Call Recorder Access System (CRAS) is a PC application that gives access to Vidicode Call Recorders.
CRAS receives recordings from call recorders via the network and presents them as a database. A user can download all recordings, or a selection of recordings, and play them on the PC. For a number of call recorders, using this software is the most common way to access the recordings. CRAS can also be used as a back up system for the call recorders.
The software supports automated transfers to network drives and it can be used to give other users on the network access to stored databases of recordings.
Using the CryptoCard, available as an option, the recordings can be stored encrypted on a Call Recorder. Without the CryptoCard that was used to create the encrypted recordings (or a corresponding CryptoCard) and PIN code the encrypted recordings cannot be played back. This is not only a professional way to protect the calls, but is especially useful to protect the privacy of the people involved.
Play encrypted recordings on a PC
If recordings are encrypted by a Call Recorder with a CryptoCard, you can play the recordings using the Call Recorder Access System. You will need a Crypto Card Reader for PC, an USB device that is sold separately by suppliers of Vidicode products. Insert the Crypto Card that was used to create the encrypted recordings in the USB card reader, or insert a matching Crypto Card. Before an encrypted recording is played the Call Recorder Access System will prompt you for the insertion of a matching card and the belonging code.
CyrptoCard encryption is a.o. available for the following call recorders: CR ISDN II, CR ISDN PRI, CR Single II, CR Single Digital, CR Quarto and CR Octo.
Call Recorder Access System comes in two versions:
• 070.01463 Call Recorder Access Software – single user
• 070.01480 Call Recorder Access Software – multi user
Call Recorder Access System receives data from a.o. the following Vidicode devices:
• Call Recorder ISDN II
• Call Recorder ISDN PRI
• Call Recorders Single II and Single Digital
• Call Recorders Quarto and Octo
• Voice Server Espero PRI
The software includes various tools to work with the recordings such as a statistics module to analyze the telephone traffic of an organization and a tool to make back-ups on CDs.
Call Recorder Access System manual:
Call Recorder Access System software:
Will run on Windows 7, 8, 10, and Windows 11.