Apresa Mobile Recording Solution
With Apresa Vidicode offers not only to record internal, external, analog, digital and VoiP traffic, but there is also the possibility to record mobile phones. (or cell phones).
The technology of mobile phones however is very different than “normal” traffic. Also the demands that customers have relating to recording mobile traffic differs depending on the (legal) requirements. In short.. it is not an easy thing to do.
Vidicode currently offers two ways to record mobile phone traffic.
Record & Store (mainly for Samsung Smart phones and Vertu Smart phones)
Record Direct (for almost any Android Smart phone or any other phone using manually dialling )
The principle of RECORD & STORE is that a call is recorded on the smart phone with the Vidicode App and uploaded via a secure data connection to the APRESA server. The advantage is that there is no change in the way your phone operates, there are no delays and it works the same for both incoming and outgoing calls. In many case the preferred way to record mobile phones. The Vidicode App will start-up automatically with the phone.
Record “always” or “On demand”:
The Vidicode recording App can be set to always start the recording or ask the user to start. The installation settings for this are password protected.
White-list numbers
Even if recording is switched on automatically there is the possibility to exclude certain numbers (e.g. private persons). This option is also password protected.
When using the App in RECORD DIRECT (or Dialler mode) the phone will make a call to an APRESA server first, after which the APRESA Server re-directs the call to the number that was dialled by the user.
User dials a number
Smartphone then calls the APRESA (another number) automatically
Apresa picks up and receives the wanted phone number from the Vidicode App
Apresa dials out on another channel and connects the two lines
This way of recording mobile phones is more secure, but also has some disadvantages. such as a short delay in dialling (number has to re-dialled), the fact that incoming calls cannot easily be recorded (only by using another number routing plan) and the fact that users cannot use the phonebook directly.
However from a compliance point of view this method of recording is more secure.
The RECORD DIRECT function of he APRESA can also be used manually with any other type of mobile or fixed phone to record calls when needed.